WHAT BELIEFS AND ACTIONS DID THE THREE THOUSAND CONVERTS TO CHRIST HAVE IN COMMON? DID GOD APPROVE OF EVOLVING BELIEFS, DIFFERENT REQUIREMENTS FOR SALVATION? IF THAT WERE TRUE, THEN WOULD IT NOT BE FOUND IN THE NEW TESTAMENT SCRIPTURES?Īcts 2:41 So then, those who received his word were baptized and there were added about three thousand souls. Acts 2:47.And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.Īll three thousand believed the apostle Peter's message and were baptized in water. Then they were added to the Lord's church by the Lord Himself. The Lord did not add the unsaved to His church. They had to believe and be baptized in water prior to being added to the body of Christ.ġ.
#Animal jam fman fanart Pc#
I wasn't in control and it kept saying along with a distorted sound "Thanks for playing with me!" Over and over again "Thanks for playing with me!" and the weird distorted sound started turning into a cry, "HELP HELP" and this "I NEED HELP" like a little kid and the cries started getting louder and lower pitch for at least a minute till my whole PC turned off and couldn't turn back on.Acts 2:22 Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know-Īll three thousand believed Jesus was a miracle worker.Ģ. It was Fman so i locked my den but he didn't budge so i tried leaving my den and it started lagging AGAIN and then everything stopped no music no sound just me and Fman then i got a JAG and it said with no name and a blank card "Thanks for playing with me!" and forced me to open a gift but I reloaded the page and it was still there i opened it and my whole PC shut down so i turned it back on and i was AJ but my animal had red eyes black fur and a red fire pattern. I saw someone was in my den so I went to go see who it was. I also told AJHQ and they said they would look into it so after they told me that i went back to play AJ. I told my friend what happened but they didn't believe me.

"Weird" I thought to myself as I opened a new tab and went back to Animal Jam I went to the adventure again and it worked this time, but the game still was lagging weirdly so it started normally and then I saw a weird wolf standing next to what seems to be dead animals I then notice that it was Fman122 and tried to close out of the adventure but I started lagging like crazy and the page closed.

Then the game started lagging and the page closed. Ok so I was on my way to a new adventure AJHQ made. ~This is not real it's just a story I came up with~